Welcome Back to ARIA was a success!

We had over 70 people attend our recent welcome back event where we discussed what ARIA has been, what we are currently up to, and where we would like to see ourselves go in the future.  If you weren’t able to attend, the recording can be accessed here: https://ua-edu.zoom.us/rec/share/Xqo0eoGmx38fcCIzkgQPMogm9SWxfOhm4PCpWncqbsPAf1QC1h9B5mFgD8ODhksq.DDA1LN0f0QTIwptZ

Passcode: a&#sR8LW

There is also a Qualtrics survey about what you would like to see from ARIA in the future that we would appreciate you taking the time to complete.  https://universityofalabama.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ebq7uWA5pMyBmK2